We welcome your comments and suggestions for this website. If there is something that you would like to see here that you think might be helpful please let us know. Also, if you find any broken links we would appreciate knowing about those too. If you have any personal experiences that might be useful please send those along and we will add them to the site.

If you are dealing with hydrocephalus and have any questions, please feel free to send those as well. I am not a doctor and I cannot answer questions about whether or not a specific medical procedure is appropriate or necessary or whether or not a diagnosis is correct. What I can do is answer general questions about hydrocephalus, what testing is available, how to go about obtaining care at home and offer moral support. If your questions are beyond my knowledge or abilities, I will try to get you in touch with someone who can help you.
Send an email here.

Legal Disclaimer: While every effort has been made to make certain that the information contained in this website is accurate, it must be remembered that the content is managed by a parent, not by a doctor. Information contained here is for general support purposes only and is no substitute for the care of a physician.